Applying a gender impact assessment to the design of a health facility

Name of initiative: Building design for health facility

Policy/program/service: Service

New or up for review: New 

Sector: Health 


This case study has been drawn from real examples, however the narrative is fictional.


Mariam works for Ocean Valley Shire. She is conducting a gender impact assessment (GIA) on the design of a new health facility, The Ocean Valley Health clinic. As spaces are experienced differently by people of different genders, the team must analyse the architecture and design of the building with a gender lens. This will ensure that people of all genders feel welcome, safe and included when they enter the clinic. 

This is the first GIA that Ocean Valley have conducted on a building. Mariam is pleased the GIA is being incorporated from the beginning of the process. Though, she recognises that a GIA at any stage is better than none at all. 

Step 1: Define the issues and challenge assumptions

Defining the issues 

Working with the municipality of Ocean Valley, the Department of Health are planning to build an extra community health facility to meet the coming health needs of the growing community. Ocean Valley is located in a high growth area, with significant population increases over the last ten years. A further 40% population increase is predicted over the coming decade. 

This health facility will be designed to provide women’s and family health specific services, domestic violence services, mental health services and access to General Practitioners. It will not contain an emergency department or surgical suites, as these are available at a metropolitan hospital in the next LGA.  

Challenging assumptions 

Mariam and her team initially assume that people of different genders would use the building in the same way. The only difference they can think of would be that the women’s health speciality area may be used more so by women and children than other areas. They also assume that the building design won’t have a great impact on people of different genders. 

The GIA allows the team to challenge their assumptions and think critically about the impact of infrastructure design on people of different genders. Applying a gender lens, Mariam and her team broaden the scope of their analysis to consider the following: 

  • What are the gendered differences in how people will use the building?
  • How do needs and priorities regarding building usage differ for people of different genders?
  • How might other intersecting factors such as disability, age, sexuality and ethnicity impact people’s use of the building? 
  • What safety needs might people of different genders have in utilising a public building? 

Applying a gender lens empowers the group to consider how people of different genders, and with other intersecting attributes, may be differently impacted by the clinic’s design. The team realise that a health facility may not automatically be a safe, welcoming place for people of all genders, ages, abilities, cultural and religious backgrounds and sexual identities. However, conducting a GIA can help reduce barriers and create a safe environment which promotes equality.

Broadening the issues with an intersectional gendered lens

After brainstorming gendered and intersectional differences amongst themselves, the team identify additional issues to consider: 

  • Are there different ways that women, men and gender-diverse people understand concepts of ‘safety’, ‘privacy’ and ‘accessibility’? 
  • What amenities are necessary for inclusion of people of all genders? 
  • Given LGBTIQ+ people have lower health outcomes then cis-gendered heterosexual people, how can the building design promote inclusion and acceptance from the outset?
  • What architectural and design factors contribute to a safe and inclusive public building, particularly in a health clinic? 
  • Aside from Universal Design principles, what are some additional ways that people with disabilities feel welcome, safe and included? 
  • What do neurodiverse people need for a public building to feel safe and welcoming? 
  • What are the language needs of the community? 
  • What might Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people need from a building design to ensure cultural safety? 
  • What do children accessing the building need to feel safe and welcome?
  • Are there lighting and paint colour considerations that increase welcome, safety or create barriers to such? 

These questions provide a useful launching place for a gender analysis of the building design. Mariam and her team recognise they may not find all the answers, and that this is a learning process. However, this means they will conduct insightful research, and their recommendations will be evidence-based, leading to greater inclusion. 

Step 2: Understanding the context

As neither Mariam or her team are experts on gender-sensitive building design, they approach their research using three methods – internal data, desktop research and consultations.

To guide their investigations, they consider: 

  • Who is likely to be affected? 
  • What are the lived experiences of these diverse groups? 
  • What are the different, gendered impacts of health facility design?
  • How does providing an intersectional-gender lens align with council’s strategic plan? 

Gathering this information will help the team understand the key needs of health facility users. This will ensure safety and inclusion for all. They start by using information already at hand – internal data. 

Internal data

The team know that internal data is a great starting point, as it utilises research already completed either by council or for council. It will also be applicable for other GIAs, which will help with future gender analysis. 

They first seek to understand gender-disaggregated data of the predicted users of the health facility. They also look for projected demographics of these users according to age, socioeconomic status and primary language. To do this, they look at: 

  • Regional demographics and relevant survey data
  • Previously commissioned reports and policy submissions
  • Business cases and proposals for the development of the health facility

Finding this information helps provide additional context for the community, and identifies areas which can be further explored with desktop research.

Data, statistics and desktop research 

The Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector (the Commission) have put together useful starting points for collecting external data for GIAs. Miriam and her team search the Commission’s website, where they find sources that help Mariam and her team better understand the lived experiences of women, men and gender-diverse people. They also provide resources on intersectionality, explaining how personal factors, such as ethnicity, disability, sexuality and gender presentation, might further impact experiences of discrimination. 

The team also consider the following sources: 

  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
  • HILDA Survey Data
  • Australian and Torres Strait Islander Data Archive (ATSIDA)
  • World Bank Open Data
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) – Open data repository

Mariam is particularly keen for her team to gain an understanding of gendered use and needs of space in building design. They use search engines, libraries and open-source repositories to find research that might facilitate some deeper thinking about perceptions of safety and space. 

For more information on the importance of desktop research, please see this Victorian Government resource.

Stakeholder engagement 

One of the most important steps to this project is understanding actual lived experience. Consulting with prospective stakeholders shows the team what is needed to help building to feel safe and inclusive. Combining the questions generated in Step 1 with the research findings from Step 2, the team consult with several groups: 

  • LGBTIQ+ advocacy groups
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community groups and Elders
  • Groups dedicated to supporting mental health for different genders
  • Local women’s shelters
  • Community groups for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people and those of non-English speaking backgrounds
  • Disability services
  • Older people’s advocacy groups 
  • Parent’s groups
  • Youth services
  • Groups dedicated to supporting those affected by poverty and rough sleeping

These groups provide valuable insight to the experiences of people of all genders, as well as the way intersectional factors can compound with gender to cause further harm. Engaging with advocacy groups, particularly for LGBTIQ+ communities, creates additional layers of safety for people who want to contribute but don’t feel comfortable sharing their identity. 

Evidence collected by Mariam and her team 

The evidence provides a comprehensive overview of the gendered implications of building design in a health setting. The team found their assumptions were challenged and many of their questions were answered. The exercise was useful for critically considering not only the needs of different genders, but the way intersecting identity factors can contribute to inclusion or exclusion. 

Step 3: Evaluate the options

The team have now learned about the gendered and intersecting needs of the community.  Mariam and her team begin to compile some options to recommend for the design of the building. The team aims to contrast the gendered impacts of a standard build with one with a gender equitable focus. This will help ensure the design of the Ocean Valley health facility is inclusive and equitable for women, men and gender-diverse people. 

Step 4: Finalise recommendations

As the gender impact is positive, Miriam and the team recommend option 2. It includes simple but comprehensive design elements to ensure that the space is designed for people of all genders. Specifically, the team recommended that:

  • The family violence service will be located with its own, locked entry from the main corridor. 
  • The family violence service will be located on the first floor with secure access to an outdoor, child-friendly, green space
  • The family violence service will have a secure entrance/exit, with clear access to well-lit parking and pick up zones
  • Many toilets will be a single gender-neutral secure cubicle, with baby change facilities and wheelchair accessible amenities provided within each ward and service
  • The gender-neutral toilets will feature a non-gendered pictorial sign
  • Design of entrances and exits will incorporate large open doorways with clear directions to a welcome area (to be followed with signage that welcomes people of all backgrounds, genders and language groups)
  • Waiting areas will have child friendly play spaces, located away from entry and exit points
  • Signage will be provided in English and community language translations
  • Indigenous plants and well-lit outdoor walking trail will be incorporated into design 

Additionally, they recommend that Mariam is involved throughout every consultation on the building design. This means that as the plan shifts, the gendered considerations remain a priority.

The GIA and recommendations were put to the Project Steering Committee for their endorsement. The Committee were pleased with the analysis and found that the recommendations were reasonable. All of Miriam’s recommendations were approved, and the team is proud of their work to promote gender equality. 

Preparing for progress reporting to the Commission

Now that a gender impact assessment has been completed, Mariam and her team need to prepare to report on their progress, as per their obligations under the Gender Equality Act.

The progress report is due every two years, and must be submitted to the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector. Mariam has documented the recommendations and submitted these to a GIA focal point which stores all GIA information in a central location. Follow up actions and outcomes will also be recorded for reporting and accountability. This will save Mariam and others time and effort as the reporting deadline approaches. 

The team knows that for the GIA component of the progress report they will need to:

  • Identify all policies, programs and services that were subject to a gender impact assessment
  • Report on the actions taken as a result of the gender impact assessment

This information has benefits outside of progress reporting, as well. Miriam knows that the data collected for this GIA will be useful for other GIAs completed by her organisation.

The following actions resulted from the GIA: 

  • The family violence service will be located with its own, locked entry from the main corridor
  • The family violence service will be located on the first floor with secure access to an outdoor, child-friendly, green space
  • The family violence service will have a secure entrance/exit, with clear access to well-lit parking and pick up zones
  • Many toilets will be a single gender-neutral secure cubicle, with baby change facilities and wheelchair accessible amenities provided within each ward and service
  • The gender-neutral toilets will feature a non-gendered pictorial sign
  • Design of entrances and exits will incorporate large open doorways with clear directions to a welcome area (to be followed with signage that welcomes people of all backgrounds, genders and language groups)
  • Waiting areas will have child friendly play spaces, located away from entry and exit points
  • Signage will be provided in English and community language translations
  • Indigenous plants and well-lit outdoor walking trail will be incorporated into design 
