Gender Equality Action Plan strategies and measures

This section will support you to report on your defined entity's progress against the strategies and measures in your Gender Equality Action Plans.

To meet the strategies and measures progress reporting obligations, please use the progress report template and refer to worksheet 2.1 Strategies and Measures and the optional worksheet 2.2 Resourcing your GEAP.

What you need to do

  1. List each of the strategies and measures set out in your GEAP.
  2. Indicate the status of your progress as at the end of the relevant period.
  3. Provide a description of the status you have selected against each strategy or measure.


  1. Evaluate the success that each strategy or measure has achieved during the relevant period.
  2. Provide a timeline you may have set against each strategy.
  3. Indicate where responsibility lies for implementing each strategy or measure
  4. Select the relevant workplace gender equality indicators in the Act that the strategy or measure was designed to address.
  5. Outline the resourcing allocated to implement the strategies and measures in your GEAP.


Requirement 1:

List each of the strategies and measures set out in your GEAP

Strategies and measures are the planned actions designed to promote gender equality in your workplace.

As part of your progress report, you need to copy the strategies and measures from your GEAP into column B of the template provided. List one strategy or measure per row in the template.

Requirement 2:

Indicate the status of your progress as at the end of the relevant period

In the template, assign each strategy or measure a status from the drop-down list provided in column C. This will indicate your progress in implementing each strategy or measure at the end of the relevant period.

Requirement 3:

Provide a description of the status you have selected against each strategy or measure

In column D of the template, describe your progress in implementing each strategy or measure in your GEAP. In particular, you will need to explain:

  • why you have selected that status; and
  • whether the status indicates any delay or change from what was planned in your GEAP and if so, the reason for this change.


Recommendation 1:

Evaluate the success that each strategy or measure has achieved during the relevant period

We encourage you to evaluate the success of each of your strategies and measures, using column E. This will assist you in understanding which strategies and measures are having an impact and which may require more attention or focus.

Relevant information may include indicators of success that were specified in your GEAP, and other evaluation measures such as participation levels, outcomes, or changes resulting from the strategy or measure.

The Commissioner acknowledges that progress is not always linear and immediate. Your strategies and measures may have short, medium and long-term implementation plans. This means that you may not necessarily have seen big shifts in progress yet and this can be noted in column E.

Recommendation 2:

Provide a timeline against each strategy

If you included a timeline against each strategy or measure in your GEAP, you can provide this information in column F of the template. If you did not include a timeline against each strategy or measure in your GEAP, we recommend that you do so as part of progress reporting.

Recommendation 3:

Indicate where responsibility lies for implementing each strategy or measure

Name the role or team responsible for implementation of each strategy or measure in your organisation, in column G. If you did not allocate responsibility for each strategy or measure in your GEAP, we recommend that you do so as part of progress reporting.

Recommendation 4:

Select the relevant workplace gender equality indicators in the Act that the strategy or measure was designed to address

Leading practice GEAPs linked each strategy or measure to one or more indicators under the Act.

As part of your progress report, use columns H-N to indicate whether your GEAP’s strategies and measures are intended to address one or more of the seven workplace gender equality indicators set out in the Act, including:

  1. gender composition at all levels of the workforce
  2. gender composition of governing bodies
  3. gender pay equity
  4. workplace sexual harassment
  5. recruitment and promotion
  6. leave and flexibility
  7. gendered work segregation.


Recommendation 5:

Outline the resourcing allocated to implement the strategies and measures in your GEAP

Refer to template worksheet 2.2 Resourcing your GEAP for this recommendation.

Taking stock of the resources required and allocated to effectively progress your GEAP may provide a valuable insight for your organisation, the Commission, and other organisations that want to improve gender equality within their workplaces.

We encourage you to reflect on the resourcing required and allocated to implementing your GEAP in your progress report. This is a free-text section of the template.

In reflecting on your resourcing, you might consider some or all of the following, in addition to any other aspects you consider relevant:

  • Who implements the strategies and measures in your GEAP? What role do they perform at what level in your defined entity?
  • How many staff members/FTE are allocated to implementing the strategies and measures?
  • Was enough resourcing allocated to successfully implement your strategies and measures? If not, how will this be addressed?
